Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Aplikasi GIS dalam analisis kemalangan jalan raya

A significant unexpected outcome of transportation systems is road accidents with injuries and loss of lives. In recent years, the number of studies about the tools for analysing accidents and road design has increased considerably. Among these tools, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) stand out for their ability to perform complex spatial analyses. However, sometimes the GIS, has been used only as a geographical database to store and represent data about accidents and road characteristics. It has also been used to represent the results of statistical studies of accidents but, these statistical studies have not been carried out with GIS. Owing to its integrated statistical-analysis capabilities GIS provides several advantages. First, it allows a more careful and accurate data selection, screening and reduction. Also, it allows a spatial analysis of the results in pre and post-processing. Second, GIS allows the development of spatial statistics that rely on geographically-referenced data. In this paper, several GIS tools used to model accidents have been examined. The understanding of these tools will help the analyst to make a better decision about which tool could be applied in each particular condition and context.

There is a growing concern in traffic accident rate in recent years. Using Mashhad city (Iran second populous city) traffic accident records as case study, this paper applied the combination of geo-information technology and spatial-statistical analysis to bring out the influence of spatial factors in their formation. The aim of the study is to examine 4 clustering analyses to have a better understanding of traffic accidents patterns in complex urban network. In order to deploy the clustering technique in urban roads, 9331 point features for inner city traffic accidents during 12 months have been registered according to their x and y location in geographic information system (GIS). The mentioned areas were analyzed by kernel density estimation (KDE) using ARCMAP and two other analyses using SANET 4th edition software so that the results of network analysis can be compared with traditional KDE method. In addition, this research introduces five classifications for determining the eventfulness of the under study area based on standard deviation and to make priority in creating security in the area. The nearest neighbor and K-function output analysis consist of four curves and regarding the fact that for all fatal, injury and property damage only crashes, the observed value curve is above the 5% confidence interval. Accidents in the study region are more clustered than expected by random chance. The importance of this study is to use GIS as a management system for accident analysis by combination of spatial-statistical methods.


Kamarul Bin Ismail, PhD
Jabatan Geografi & Alam Sekitar/ Department of Geography & Environment
Fakulti Sains Kemanusiaan/ Faculty of Human Sciences
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
35900 Tanjong Malim, Perak

No. Tel: +605-4506609
No. Fax: +605-4598606 
No. Hp: +6011-26247763

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GIS telah digunakan secara meluas sebagai alat bantu dalam bidang pertanian, perancangan bandar, kejuruteraan sivil, geologi, perhutanan, pengangkutan, pengurusan bencana dan lain lain. 

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Aplikasi GIS dalam analisis kemalangan jalan raya

A significant unexpected outcome of transportation systems is road accidents with injuries and loss of lives. In recent years, the number of...